Understable turning discs: What are you using?

Written By Lou

Disc golfer and blogger from Sacramento, CA. PDGA #134544

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As I’ve mentioned before, I’m still pretty new to the sport of disc golf, and am figuring things out.  After making the n00b mistake of buying fast discs, I’ve come to the realization that I just don’t have the arm speed to throw a speed 12+ driver the way it’s supposed to be thrown.  I ended up buying a used Discmania TD C-line from the Orangevale Final 9, and it changed my entire game.  Finally, I can throw something fairly decent.  Ish.  Decent-ish.

Some people mentioned that the Innova Tern would be a good disc.  Picked it up in Gstar max weight.  Not too bad, but not great for me yet.  Still working on not hyzering everything.  Speed 12, and all.  Maybe I can get it working later.  But I do love the feel of the disc in my hands, and it’s not terrible.

I’d heard good things about the Sidewinder, and ended up picking one up in Champion plastic.  But for as much of a turning disc as it’s supposed to be, I’ve yet to get it to turn over.  Granted, I probably have under 20 throws with it, but that’s probably because I just can’t get it to do what I need it to do.  I’m going to give it a bit more chance, but it’s just not there for me yet.

A female friend picked up a Wraith, and she likes it a lot.  Nabbed one in Star plastic.  Thrown it a few times, I can see there’s some potential, but I still can’t get that sucker to fly straight or turn.

I’ve also heard good things about the Roadrunner, which I may snag in some sort of Star plastic.  Maybe.

But really, it comes down to the fact that while I can throw a somewhat beat in speed 10 DM TD pretty decently compared to speed 9 discs, I think it’s more than just the discs I’m throwing that’s causing some problems.  Today before work I made a point to throw nothing but the Tern (a buddy has shown me the awesome potential of the disc with his throws, soooo….), and I didn’t do terrible.  I was definitely getting more distance than I typically do on about half of my drives, but still, the Tern wasn’t, well…  Tern-ing…

So what are you throwing on the understable side of things?  Are you new, seasoned?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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Adam ForNeveR
9 years ago

Being said guy that showed you the potential of the Innova Tern, I give my first nod to this disk for any throws where I’m looking for an understable disc. My particular version is a Champion FlyDye at 168g. If you rip that thing hard enough, it will do some absolutely amazing things, especially with its 6 Glide. Other understable driver fodder in my bag is the Discraft Mantis, which I have in the 2013 Ace Race prototype Titanium plastic at ~165g. I can put this disc on just about any line I want and it holds it extremely well,… Read more »


[…] high-speed drivers at the beginning, because I didn’t know any better.  After backing off to lower speed, more understable discs, I finally started to see some semblance of quality in my […]

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